Readable Text Lab
These tools are in development, and while we believe they are reliable we are still working on improving and extending them. Please let us know of any issues you find with these tools at
Analysis Labs
These tools evaluate content and return statistical data.
Keyword Density
Check your copy is search-friendly by making sure your content includes the right keywords in the right numbers.
Keyword Density
Gender Analyzer
Looking to make sure your content has a consistent voice? Our gender analyzer might be able to help.
Gender Analyzer
Detection Labs
These tools highlight certain words within content, like adverbs, clichés or buzzwords.
Buzzword Detector
Had enough of cloud synergy empowerment? Identify and replace buzzwords in your content!
Buzzword Detector
Stop Word Detector
Search engines don't like overuse of stop words - make sure you aren't overusing them in your content.
Stop Word Detector
Lazy Word Detector
Make your content bolder and more compelling by removing lazy words.
Lazy Word Detector
Name Detector
Quickly find names used in your content.
Name Detector
Hedge Word Detector
Make your content bolder and more compelling by removing hedge words.
Hedge Word Detector
Transition Word Detector
Make your content read more easily and engage users better by using transition words where appropriate.
Transition Word Detector