Dale-Chall Analyzer

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    Dale-Chall Analyzer

    If you want to check which words in a piece of text are not part of the Dale-Chall Word List, you're in the right place!

    Paste your text in to the box on the left and any words not on the list will be highlighted.

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    What Are "Dale-Chall" Words?

    The Dale-Chall readability formula uses a set of words which are familiar to students to calculate how readable a piece of text is. Those common words are a list of words with which 80% or more of fourth-grade students are familiar.

    That word list has been modified over time, and the current version of the formula - the New Dale-Chall Readability Formula - uses about 3,000 words in its list.

    You can find a full list of all Dale-Chall words here: The Dale-Chall Word List.

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